How to use the Brain Meter

  • A user can still utilize the Thinkie sensor (connected to the tablet) if they would simply like to measure brain activity, even with non-screen and non-app activities as long as there is a connection to the app.

  • The Brain Meter feature can be utilized while engaged in other activities outside of the Thinkie app games and will continue to measure brain activity as long as there is connectivity between the sensor and tablet.

  • The key (just like with the brain games) is to increase brain activity and in particular, higher levels of brain activity indicated by the warmer colors on the brain meter.


    Users can try individual activities such as:
    • Crossword puzzles

    • Sudoku

    • Reading a novel or a newspaper out loud

    • Working on art

    • Playing a musical instrument

    • Users can try individual activities such as:

    Users can also try group activities such as:

    • Trivia game night – host a trivia game and see what happens when users compete to answer trivia questions!

    • Storytelling/memory sharing prompted by random imagery – Show printed or screen images that may trigger special memories for users. Watch how brain activity changes as users think through their past and tell their stories.